Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog Assignment #3 The silent Film Era

The topic on silent films is fairly hard for me because I have no interest in talking about silent films and how they have developed.  It is hard for anyone to talk about something they have no interest in. The reason I have no interest in these films is because there is no plot, it is in black and white there is no tone in the actors/actresses voices and some of the films only last a few minutes.  If I am going to watch a movie it will be one with colour, a good plot and it will be longer then 2 minutes.  Back in the day I am sure people were very interested in films and the production of them but now they are simply a piece of history.  People nowadays may think silent films are interesting because they were such a break through in the cinematography world but they aren't interested in the movie's plot or story.
Personally, I think 'Citizen Kane' wasn't very interesting and could have used a lot of work. I do not think they should consider 'Citizen Kane' one of the best movies ever made because it is not very interesting and does not hold the viewers attention through out the whole movie. Or at least it didn't hold my interest.  I think 'Citizen Kane' should be considered one of the best movies for its time not of all time.
Movies from the silent film era and the black and white era can not compete with newer movies.  I think that modern movies have reached a plateau and they will no longer be better. The 3D has even peaked with Avatar being released. The only thing they could do to improve 3D  is remove the glasses and make the movie 3D without glasses.

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